Intuitive Medicine

Psychic Healing

The primary reason that people turn to psychics is because of their ability to offer assistance with resolving issues in the mental, physical, and emotional realms where traditional medicine and therapy have failed.

An experienced psychic will use his or her intuition and clairvoyance to analyze and interpret obstructions in your physical, etheric, and astral energy fields, then correct the imbalance with their own psychic abilities or give creative suggestions to their clients to rectify the imbalance themselves.

According to quantum physics, all matter is part of a dynamic energy field. Every form of matter, when broken down to the smallest particle, becomes nothing more than a vibration. Psychic healers have learned how to work with this vibration, raising it and lowering it to restore health and wellness. Psychic healers may also use tools such as crystals, aromatherapy, reiki, and sound to restore harmony between the body, mind, and spirit.

Because some psychics can communicate with beings in other dimensions, they sometimes ask for assistance from ascended healing masters, angels, or other guiding spirits with diagnosing or healing a client.

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