Intuitive Medicine
Offers assistance with resolving issues in the mental, physical and emotional realms.
At Vibez ~ Mind, Body, Spirit, we are committed to connecting you with the healing modalities that can manifest a pure and healthy change in your life. These methods of healing are often considered to be unconventional. Still, they have been proven to be fast and practical approaches to getting our clients the results they truly desire—all of the modalities we offer complement traditional forms of therapy, medicine, and religion. Our goal is to help you discover your true self and assist in your healing journey to experience the changes you truly deserve in your life.
Our passions are simple; we desire to assist you in seeing the light that is already within you.
Offers assistance with resolving issues in the mental, physical and emotional realms.
An essential part of a psychic’s work is its ability to offer psychic Healing (resolutions) once a blockage or issue discovered.
At Vibez we provide spiritual counseling to help you explore or solidify your own personal spiritual thoughts and beliefs.
Is a specific teaching to understanding your own unique energetic blueprint and how you can live in alignment with your true self.
The use of aromatic plant extract and essential oils through touch, inhalation, steam or diffusion.
Further information about our upcoming classes will be posted soon. Please check back or contact us directly.
Whether you are experienced in transforming your life or just beginning to consider “alternative” healing methods, we encourage you to review one of our reputable, talented, and gifted healing artists.