
Massage therapy is a healing modality in which the soft tissues of one’s body — muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and skin — are gently manipulated using varying degrees of pressure and movement. Massage works, there are many different types of massage therapy. Here at Vibez, we offer Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage, and Sports Injury Massage.

Therapeutic Massage Techniques Available

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a lighter, relaxing touch massage which generally includes gentle, rhythmic, and long flowing, gliding strokes. It can reduce stress and muscle tension while also contributing to one’s sense of well-being. This modality works wonders for those who need help in lowering stress, have trouble sleeping, have poor circulation, or need some meditative time to relax deeply.

Sports Injury Massage

Sports Massage is geared more toward our athletic clientele. Any athlete of any sport at any level can benefit from this technique. It focuses on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscle tissue and connective tissue, as well as releasing muscle spasms and fascial adhesions. The pressure is applied deep and slow and requires more time spent on each individual muscle group. This modality is primarily for our clients who have chronic pain or injury, need postural realignment, or for those who have a job that requires a lot of sitting. Deep Tissue Massage is slow and intensely deep; therefore, full-body treatments require longer sessions.

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